Friday, May 10, 2013

Family visits

We had a nice visit with grandma and grandpa. They came up for Easter, and of course to hang out with me! It was also my school's spring break, but my parents decided to still enroll me in music camp held at my school. I think mama thought it would be nice to let grandma and grandpa have a break...but from what? From me? I can't be that exhausting. Grandma and grandpa even picked me up from camp! I was so happy to see them! We did many things while they were here. I decorated eggs with grandma, ate my first Peep (eh, just so-so), played with all my trucks with grandpa, many carousel rides at Bryant Park, experienced "Heard NY" by artist Nick Cave (they had special seating for families with kids, which was awesome!), made bread with grandma, and the finale of the trip...BOWLING! My family would never become professional bowlers, but I still have a chance. IMG_6264 IMG_6274 IMG_6293 IMG_6228 photo-524 photo-525 photo-523 photo-526 IMG_6381 IMG_6320 IMG_6323 IMG_6334 IMG_6325 IMG_6376